Israel’s Heroines
לוגו פורום דבורה
אדר בן סימון

Lieutenant Adar Ben Simon

20 years old in her fall
Born on March 13, 2003
Fallen on October 7, 2023
Platoon Commander at the Home Front Command Corp’s Divisional Training Base, Rescue and Training Brigade.
Nahariya military cemetery, plot 6, row 2, grave 13
Her family

Daughter of Zehava and Erez

Sister of Raz, Shachaf, and Aviv

Her personal story

Adar was born in Neve Ziv, a communal settlement in the Western Galilee, along with her twin brother Aviv. She was born to Erez and Zehava and her older brothers, Raz and Shachaf.
Adar had a lifemate for the past six years which said his last parting words to her in an emotional post on Instagram. The two planned to travel after their discharge , study together, get married and live together in a small house with two dogs...
Throughout her life, Adar demonstrated professionalism and excellence, creativity, wisdom, charisma and leadership alongside vituous demeanor and kindness. Ader also had a playful side, she tend to be "silly", positive and always happy.
Adar was a devoted, supportive and helpful friend, she always gave from herself in life and in death to all those around her, and always thought of everyone before herself.
Due to these qualities, Adar was a revered figure for her family, her friends and the soldiers under her command and her family is proud of her for that.

Her service in the security forces

From a young age, Ader aspired to serve in a combat unit. This is why when she enlisted on August 4, 2021 for the IDF as a fighter in the rescue and rescue brigade of the Home Front Command, for her it was a dream come true.
After her training, she was promoted and sent to a commander’s training program. Upon her certification, she remained at the training base to command as one of the program’s instructors.
Later, Adar was sent to an officer training course. Upon its completion, she was tasked as a platoon commander for Tabor Squadron recruits in the Zikim Home Front Command Divisional Training Base near the border with the Gaza Strip.

The circumstances of her fall

On October 7, 2023, Adar and other soldiers in Zikim base were awakened by the sound of rocket barrages being fired at the base, and immediately ran to seek shelter. But the danger did not pass, and under the cover of the rocket barrages, a Hamas terrorist squad arrived at the base with the aim of taking control of it and committing a massacre. This squad has already managed to murder soldiers at the other bases before its arrival at the Zikim base. After the commanders ordered the recruits to stay in cover, they ran to the main gate post in order to attack the terrorists and protect the recruits. .
During the battle, the terrorists fired grenades and an RPG missile at Adar's position. She and the three commanders who were with her were killed on the spot.
In the battle on Zikim base, seven fighters, six commanders and one rookie fell.
Thanks to the bravery of Adar and her fellow commanders, the lives of 120 recruits and civilians who were at the base that day were saved. The battle they waged prevented the terrorists from continuing their murderous attack in the kibbutzim and surrounding cities.
Adar had time to write to her sister Shachaf on WhatsApp shortly before her fall:
"9 terrorists are running towards the main gate. I have one bullet in the barrel left. Shema Israel. We will talk... we are in positions with a bullet in the barrel. Waiting for them... we are in a shootout. My squad leaders are injured. These words of Adar demonstrateher resilience and her bravery.

Her character and personality

Adar left behind a written and consistent world view that reveals her mature and valuable approach to life. Below are quotes from the legacy she left behind:
In a note found among her belongings, in the middle of a notebook, the following words were written in her handwriting:
"live your life
and enjoy every moment,
make all your dreams come true
And always look at the glass half full.
Adar ben Simon."

Adar used to say the phrase: "Difficulty is momentary, pride is eternal".

Among Adar's belongings is a moving and isnpurung document entitled ""I believe"". There, she detailed her humanistic commanding perception. Below is the document's content:
'I believe' ... Adar ben Simon.
"Personal example is not the main source of influence on others - it is the only source."
As a commander, I believe in personal example. I will demand from myself everything that I will demand from my soldiers because our strength is our togetherness. It is important for me to maintain my values, values ​​of respect, morality and sensitivity to others, respect the people around me, self-sacrifice, resilience, discipline and achieving goals.
It is important to me to give my soldiers a sense of trust and confidence in themselves and in their commander, a good commander knows how to listen to her soldiers and not just give orders, listen to them and understand what is on their hearts. In order to achieve a high level of motivation among my subordinates, it is important that I get to know each one of them well personally, emotionally and professionally. To have personal conversations with everyone, to show empathy in good and bad in order to ensure effective and optimal communication. I believe that a good commander is an orderly and organized commander, and in order to develop discipline in my soldiers, procedures must be established in a clear and organized manner. I will expect my soldiers to maintain discipline, adherence to a schedule and most importantly honesty and reliability which will form the basis of an honest and meaningful relationship.
As in any process, we will experience difficult, happy, funny and maybe even painful moments, but together with cooperation, understanding and listening we will be able to overcome any obstacle. It is very important to me to carry out the tasks together with my soldiers with an optimistic approach with high motivation, determination, with a desire to meet challenges and tasks while maintaining laws, rules and a very clear discipline, it is important for me to clarify that discipline is a significant tool in the process to succeed and to prove that nothing stands in the way of the will.
Mistakes, failures and successes are an integral part of my life. I danced ballet for 12 years and it gave me a notion about the essence of professionalism. The ability to learn from mistakes for learning and change. I will not let myself as a commander to fall into a web of disappointment and frustration, I will know how to formulate a new and better strategy for me and my soldiers to carry out tasks in the best way.
It is important for me to be alert to the environment and changes and to prepare an effective strategic plan even under different pressure conditions in order to serve as a good commander who thinks while acting and sets an example. I believe that we will face many challenges, but I believe that I will be able to maintain professionalism and strive together with my soldiers for victory and always lead forward.
I like the idea that as a commander I can influence a young generation by instilling important values ​​such as love of one's country, good virtue, morality, belief in ourselves, reliability, mutual respect, cooperation, cutting sack to each other when necessary, sharing, learning to care and appreciating what we have every day anew . It feels most right to me to be in a place where I can influence and be significant for other people and know that I may have been able to make a small but important and significant change.
My commanders served as an example for me and today I feel that the sky is the limit, I have the willpower and faith to serve as an example to my soldiers and be a milestone in their lives.
Best regards, Adar Ben Simon

Her favorite things

Adar's favorite song was the popular Israeli song "Sigaliot" (Violets) cover version performed by one of Israel's most popular singer Omer Adam with the original performer David Broza:"
Add a commemorative page on Instagram here:
Various commemorative initiatives were held in Adar's memory, such as a half-marathon race on the promenade in Tel Aviv, distribution of t-shirts with her image, a memorial ceremony in Paris.

Her legacy and commemoration

Adar has a commemorative page on Instagram at the link:
Various commemorative initiatives were held in Adar's memory, such as a half-marathon race on the promenade in Tel Aviv, distribution of t-shirts with her image, a memorial ceremony in Paris.

On October 22, 2023, the seasoned Israeli diva singer Rita sang in her memory in the presence of her family members in the program "Together we will win" hosted by Israeli newswomen Adva Dadon and Ophira Assayag. You can watch the meeting with Rita and her singing in the link below:

Before taking command of her platoon, Adar was asked to choose an animal that has a deep meaning for her and symbolizes her and her path. Adar chose the Phoenix. Adar's family members pointed out the connection of this mythic animal to Adar in her life and in her death since the phoenix, even when burned, never dies, it recovers and rises from ashes and dirt. The family members see this as a message from Adar to them that they must grow and live out of the pain. After her death, her family members came across the song "Desert Bird" by the Israeli band Ethnics. In their eyes, the song tells the story of Adar: her service in the desert, being the pillar of fire in front of the camp, her leadership and devotion when she charged in front of the fire and protected her soldiers. The members of Adar's family see the words of this song together with the symbol of the phoenix that she chose in her life as a message of reinforcement for them on how to deal with the intensity of the pain she left after her passing.
Bellow are the lyrics to the song "Desert Bird" by Ethnics, lyrics and music by Zeev Nechama:
"You are closing in to the border line
held captive in the magic of the desert
You are the pillar of fire before the camp - you are Genesis
Turn asunder the water line and the fire won't burn
You are the flame and the blade
Like a bird you are free
Reaching for the sky
Like a bird you are free
Turn asunder the water line
Desert bird
You are closing in to the finish line
Thirsty, at the back of the desert
You are a dry spring in scorched streams - you are the desert
Turn asunder the water line and the fire won't burn
You are the flame and the blade
like a bird you are free..."

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אדר בן סימון

Lieutenant Adar Ben Simon

Fallen on October 7, 2023


סיפור חייו של כל אחד מהנופלים, תמצית מאבקה של מדינת ישראל לחיים, עצמאות ולביטחון אישי ולאומי

אדר בן סימון

Lieutenant Adar Ben Simon

20 years old in her fall

Born on March 13, 2003

Fallen on October 7, 2023