Israel’s Heroines
לוגו פורום דבורה
סמל ראשון אופיר שושני ז"ל

Staff sergeant Ophir Shoshani

20 years old in her fall
Born on August 2, 2002
Fell in battle on October 7, 2023
“Mifrasit” intelligence base commander bureau chief.
Be’er Sheva military cemetery, plot 6, row 1, grave 12
Her family

Daughter of Mira and Shay

Sister of Omri and Amit

Her personal story

Ophir was born in Kibbutz Kfar Aza, the eldest daughter to her parents. Since her kindergarten years, she attended school and grew up together with 13 of her childhood friends. Their group in the Kibbutz was called the "Shita Group". At the age of ten, when she was in the sixth grade, she was documented in a story for Channel 13 news depicting the escalation in the southern region in the days before operation "Tzuk Eitan". Ophir is photographed as a child in the article smiling along with some of her friends, some of which eventually did not survive the terrorist attack on the "Black Sabbath". Watch the story on:

Ophir studied at the Shaar HaNegev High School and was an outstanding student. She was loved and always surrounded by friends.

Ophir was a free spirit who strived to "swallow the world whole". She even had an actual wish list for that goal. according to this list, she planned to go skydiving, get a tattoo, ski, and travel the world by herself and with friends. Ophir managed to fulfill some of her dreams.

Ophir also had long-term plans, she was interested in design and dreamed of studying architecture.

Her service in the security forces

Ophir joined the IDF on December 15, 2021. Her first position was as a recruits platoon commander at the Intelligence Corps' "Mifrasit" base. Her last position was as the base commander's bureau chief.

Among Ophir's belongings is an unusual and impressive document. This is a page written in her neat handwriting on which she wrote what seems as a recipe for the perfect commander. The world view detailed in this document is based on values ​​of humanity, social skills, modesty, independent thinking and striving for excellence. In the page margins, she wrote a reminder to herself, accompanied by a drawing she drew, to mark Omri's birthday. Thus on one page she combined her personal and professional life. Below are the words she wrote, worded succinctly, but this is exactly the powerful essence behind these accurate words, which can be seen as a model for the commanding figure she was:

Process takes time.
The challenge of meeting new people: exploration - testing - adaptation.
Making positive connections with the unit's support.

The platoon commander will define this space's boundaries.
Found a problem? Offer a solution.
First of all, say yes.
Smile to everyone. Observe the behavior of the old staff.
Ask out loud.
Tell it yourself.
Practice patience in the process - it takes time to get to know and understand a place.
Don't get hurt, learn.
Independent commanders - as soon as you arrive in the field, you are commanders! Therefore you are required: 1. Responsibility for learning and personal professionalism. 2. Self-learning lessons. 3. Open discussion about personal difficulties.
Command independence: trial and error is the right way to understand!
Ask the old commanders about the way they practice independence.
Enter modestly and quietly. There is no second to a first impression.
Remember that they are waiting for you more than you think.
They will bring you the company's gear - a strap, disc cover, etc. Replace them.
Self-discipline and personal example are not only seen by the soldiers, it is a satisfying feeling.
Weapons pn the front, uniforms ironed and in order, phone on silent but available. smile.
Be happy, take things positively.
Keep in touch!
Being a dominant commander is an earned right!
The meeting - a place for all opinions and feelings from today.
Briefings with the sergeant - the more you ask, the more successful you will be. Pure team time in the middle of the day!
Staff discipline - says a lot about who you really are.
Use of social a peace of mind!
Take out of your vocabulary - open a circle, move it! It is disrespectful. You are the commander."

The circumstances of her fall

Ophir was one of the young people in the kibbutz who was privileged to get her own apartment in the youth neighborhood. During the terrorist attack on the kibbutz, she stayed in her home. She contacted the Shita group members on their WhatsApp group and informed them that she had been shot, that she had injured her hand, and that she needs help. The Shita members tried to send the rescue forces to her but their efforts were with no avail. Ophir's father tried to reach her with a weapon but he was pushed back by the terrorists' fire and was injured.
Ophir had time to say goodbye to the "Shita" girls and wrote them her last parting words: "Just know that I love you"".
Ophir was murdered in her home when the terrorists infiltrated Kibbutz Kfar Aza.

Her character and personality

Ophir's parents described her, as the famous Israeli says, as "the most beautiful girl in the kindergarten", with the most beautiful smile in the kindergarten, who walked and looked noble.
Her character was full of joy of life, imbued with a goal and task-oriented and assertive demeanor, and she always fulfilled all her wishes.
Ophir was blessed with talents and endowed with an aesthetic sense.

Her favorite things

Ophir loved many things: babies, doing "extreme" activities, listening to music, reading books, spending time with her friends.

Her legacy and commemoration

"In memory of Ophir, a tree was planted and a bench was built at ""Mifrasit"" base of the Intelligence Corps where she served. On the bench the follwing words are enscribed:""If only you could see yourself as others see you, you would see how special a person you are.""
In her memory, bracelets with her name and discs with the inscription: ""Ophir Shoshani, the most beautiful girl in kindergarten"" were distributed.
Tattoos were part of Ophir's aesthetic sense. A year before her fall, she tattooed herself with a figure of a dancer whom she defined as a ""free woman"". Out of sympathy and a desire to perpetuate it, her brother Omri tattooed this tattoo on himself and added wings and an angel's halo. The members of the ""Shita"" group also got a joint tattoo in the form of two Tinkerbell fairies in memory of Ophir and in memory of her good friend Yam Almog Goldstein who was also murdered in the kibbutz on the ""Black Shabbat"". Yam and Ophir were considered the ""mothers"" of the Shita group and in their death they became ""angels"" of the group"". The fairies tattoo of the members of ""Shita"" is a tribute to the Purim costume of Yam and Ophir from the fourth grade in which they dressed up as two Tinkerbell fairies.
The members of the ""Shita"" group wrote the following words in memory of Ophir:
""Our Phirphir
A month passed, who would have believed
A whole month we haven't heard your rolling laugh,
A whole month that your smile didn't light up our room
We've been waiting a month for you to come back and tell us it was all just a joke.
It is a whole month in which Shita group does not have its Ophir, a month that our hearts are not whole
We don't know how to continue, Ophir, and are looking for you everywhere, looking for a sign from you that you see us and watch over us from above.
A few days ago we were sitting in a restaurant and we saw someone who reminded us so much of you that our stomachs clenched, how much we wanted to get up to give her a hug, but then we asked ourselves what would Ophir do, and we immediately sat back down because we imagined you saying 'what are you doing? This is so embarassing! Don't get up.
What will we do, without you we are a kite without a string.
We hope you're having a good time there, sitting with Michali and Yam to gossip and laugh over a cup of tea and ""Rogalach"".
We miss you and suffer your absence every day,
Your special personality and oozing grace are engraved in our hearts forever, wherever we go we will remember to commemorate you. We will swallow the world whole for you, beautiful, and we will make sure to keep your essence alive.
Missing and hurting
Shita group

""Our Phiphi, the beating heart of the Shita group. We never thought that at the age of 20 we would have to stand and eulogize our best friend. We are heartbroken, our world has collapsed and we still can't begin to think how to build it back up. In such moments we could use your help - your logic, your confidence, your strength. You are a special girl, one in a generation, a mature soul who, while everyone else is chasing the next thing, you are confident in yourself, sitting in your apartment with a cup of tea, Galgal'atz rasio station songs playing in the background, and the painting we will complete for you (don't worry, we won't let Bibas destroy it). We have always said that every group needs an 'ophir'. someone with energy, uplifting and flowing but decisive, a badass, in short, someone who you can trust with your eyes closed, someone who, while everyone is debating where and when, will send a short and striking message that sums up the event - but our group does not have and will not have an ophir anymore, And the hole in our hearts is huge and sucks all the air in and will never close because no one can take your place, you are a special girl and not just like people use to just say but really, one in a generation. Not everyone knows but Ophir had a wish list, a list of all the things she wanted to accomplish before death. Unfortunately, Ophir, you will no longer be able to fulfill them, but we promise you, Ophir, that we will make your wishes our goals, and we will do everything in our power to fulfill you through them.
Shita group will never be complete without you our angel. love and miss you
Shita group

Below are memories of Ophir written by soldiers who served with her in the army:
""Ophir and I hit it off since day one. I immigrated herealone and have no family here so she always took care of me. for everything Holidays, weekends, and in general. I saw her as a strong and accessible commander. Fearless in front of the soldiers. I really connected to her accessibility. Once I was standing in front of the soldiers and Ophir was sitting outside in the seating corner of the company and she took a picture of me and sent a message: 'I just saw you in front of the soldiers and you are an excellent commander!! It's really impressive.' Beyond the fact that she was an excellent commander, she was a lovely friend. She always saw me, in the little things. I took from her the overall vision and concern for the smallest details both as a commander and as a human being.""

""If there is one huge thing I learned from Ophir it is friendship. That's what she told me: 'We are best friends, and forever.' It gave me confidence.'""

""Ophir was like a mother to her subordinates
She makes them a priority
And she always spoke to them at eye level.
She deeply cared about her soldiers
And with each of them she went deep into the core.
She was a real lioness.
fought for the best
For her personal team
And for the whole platoon.
Ophir's entry into the army was not easy for her
So she really knew how to empathize with her recruits
and give them the exact support they need.
She was much appreciated
And her recruits looked up to her with admiration.
She was very organized and helped every staff member
In the platoon and the entire company with great love.""

""When I arrived at Mifrasit, Ophir, was an old commander in the department,
She mentored me throughout my first cycles
And we remained good friends even after she finished her role.
From the first moment she was there for me for conversations, tips and advice.
Every time I felt I needed help (she was
in the bureau) I called her and she came to seet me
and gave me pointers.
Then, she taught me about confidence in front of soldiers and assertiveness.
At the end of the first cycle, the entire staff received a gift from the soldiers except me and I was offended
But she was there for meand helped
me understand the character I create in front of them
and what should I really look at and there were many more such conversations.
One of the conversations I still remember is to never say the word 'me'.
Open a circle ""for me"", or stand ""for me"" in two rows.
Ophir was a commander with a desire to help her recruits really adapt to the system
and act out of respect for her and not out of the power of authority and rank.
She gave her subordinates a personal voice and empowered them all
once it was necessary.
She was stubborn about the soldiers and their process, and in addition, Ophir as a command staff member was attentive, inclusive and understanding."


This commemorative page was compiled using the information sources below:

We are doing our best efforts to make sure all the content in this website is respectful and suits the memory of the fallen. If you come across inappropriate, offensive, false or violent content of any sort, Please report us in the website’s contact form or in any way convenient for you.


סמל ראשון אופיר שושני ז"ל

Staff sergeant Ophir Shoshani

Fell in battle on October 7, 2023


סיפור חייו של כל אחד מהנופלים, תמצית מאבקה של מדינת ישראל לחיים, עצמאות ולביטחון אישי ולאומי

סמל ראשון אופיר שושני ז"ל

Staff sergeant Ophir Shoshani

20 years old in her fall

Born on August 2, 2002

Fell in battle on October 7, 2023