Israel’s Heroines
לוגו פורום דבורה

Staff sergeant Noa Price

20 years old in her fall
Born on July 18, 2003
Fell in battle on October 7, 2023 ..
A land data collection inspector in the 414 battalion border protection unit corps.
Mabu’im cemetery, military plot, plot 1, row 1, grave 6
Her family

Daughter of Sigal and Erez
Sister of Ophir and Eyal

Her personal story

"Noa was born and raised in the communal settlement of Mabu'im in the northern Negev region. She attended the regional elementary school " Mabu'im" and the regional high school "Merhavim". She was an excellent student who was gifted with joy of life. She attended dance and music classes and was a member and instructor in the "agricultural union" youth movement.

Noa was supposed to be discharged on January 22, 2024 but unfortunately, she never saw that day. Her family members commemorated the day with a memorial service at her grave.
Noa's family members told stories about her and praised her unique personality on an Instagram page they opened in her memory.

The following are from their memories as written in their own words:
"Noa was born and grew up in Mabu'im in front of the fields and next to the trees that grew together with her. She loved music, movies and books, loved to travel and especially loved people. Love to laugh, enjoy life, always thought about others, (she wanted) to broaden her horizons and learn. She had lots of plans for the future. She wanted to travel the world and swallow it whole. She planned to travel in Europe and the far east, she planned to study a significant profession that, according to her, "will make a difference in the world" and be good for people". Noa wanted to work and travel to Sinai with friends.

Noa grew up in the agricultural union youth movement and was a valued instructor in it, surrounded by many friends who loved her, her humor and her laughter, her creativity and giving manner, her big heart. Noa, wherever she passed through the stations of her short life, left a mark on the people she met. Everyone appreciated her kindness and was amazed by her sensitivity towards them. Noa knew how to instill in every person the understanding that she would do anything for them and therefore she was very loved and appreciated. Everyone was mesmerized by her big and beautiful eyes. There is no one who did not love Noa, a smart, beautiful, successful, adventurous and free girl, her love for life and her joy is contagious, both at school and in the army. Noa is a friend, sister, daughter, student, soldier, instructor and what not, the best there is.

Noa attended Merhavim High School and graduated with honors.
In the army she served as a field observer and as usual did the job with distinction and professionalism which made everyone trust her. Noa knew the entire sector perfectly, knew the procedures and was sure that she would know how to act when necessary. Even in the army, she gathered many friends around her and was loved by everyone.
Noa, your smile, your hug, your kiss on the cheek, your smell, your voice, your laugh!!
We miss you so much, we miss you more with every passing day, we commemorate you and think about you every day, we love you our Noah.

Her service in the security forces

Noa joined the IDF on January 23, 2022 ,and was assigned to the field observer position. Like many of her friends, she did not want this position at first, but after researching and learning its importance, she accepted the assignment and was determined to succeed in the position.

At the end of her training, her commanding officer gave her as a gift her personal beret at the berets awarding ceremony, on which she wrote to Noa: "The light in your heart will overcome any difficulty on the way to your goal". You can see the exciting moment when Noa received the beret in the video link.

Noa was stationed at Nahal Oz outpost, and served with great pride while trusting in her abilities. She wanted to be operational and professional and put in all her efforts to study it deeply. Over time, she became one of the leading and most seasoned soldiers in the operations room. She loved her friends very much and the atmosphere and traditions that developed in the small and intimate outpost. Her friends tell of her that she was professional and knew everything required for the role to the smallest details. They also said that she was smart and funny, caring and sensitive.

The circumstances of her fall

Noa's mother, Sigal, told about the circumstances of her fall to Israeli reporter Keren Neubach in an interview with her on December 13, 2023 on the "Seder Yom" program:

At 06:30 in the morning, the terrorist attack broke out on the Nahal Oz outpost. At this time, Noa had already managed to escape from her room in the female soldiers' quarters and, together with her friends, ran dressed in pajamas to the shelter. Noa didn't have time to take her personal phone with her, but she managed to get a phone call from one of the soldiers in which she informed her mother that she was in shelter. She told about the noise of the launches at the base and realized that this was an unusual event and different from what she was familiar with. In a texting correspondence later that morning, Noa updated her mother that there was a suspected terrorist raid and that they are being shot at. She expressed fear. She wrote to her parents "I love you" and then all contact with her was lost.

Noa fell on October 7, 2023 in the battle of Nahal Oz outpost along with her friends. It was about three months before her discharge.

Her character and personality

Noa was a determined, motivated and ambitious girl. She didn't let difficulties make her back down from the goals she set for herself.
She made sure to balance all her pursuits and did not give up on any of them - family, studies, friends, classes.

She had presence and charisma and stood out wherever she was. In the Purim holiday party held in March 2023 in her memory, they wrote that she was a powerhouse of joy and courage.
Noa was opinionated and a fighter of justice, who more than once raised her voice and demanded from those around her the proper treatment for her and her friends. She behaved this way both in school and in the army.

Noa's teacher, Ayala Almasi, told "Yishuvnik Net" (the south region settlements website) on April 17, 2024 that Noa was an exemplary girl, beautiful inside and out, moral, smart, outstanding, pure and modest. She described her thirst for learning and her intelligent eyes.

Her favorite things

Noa loved to travel, read books, watch movies and spend time with her friends. She loved music and especially Taylor Swift's songs. In a post published on the military radio station "Galey Tzahal" it was noted that when Noa wasn't listening to Taylor Swift's music, she was talking about her... On May 2024 Noa was supposed to fulfill her dream and see Swift's perform in Paris.

Noa also dreamed of studying, traveling the world and enjoying life.
In her death, her dreams and those of all her lovers who dreamed of fulfilling them together with her were lost.

Her legacy and commemoration

During the Iron Swords War, an unusual commemorative event was held in Noa's memory: a group of volunteers who wanted to commemorate her carried washing machines to an IDF base and washed the soldiers' clothes in the field. Noa's pictures were pasted on the washing machines with the words: "Go now, shine like the sun" ". Watch the special laundry day documented in the link.

Noa's brother, Ofir, dedicated her favorite song, Weird Fishes, in her memory. Ofir reminisced about the relationship between him and Noa through the love of music and brotherhood. You can hear his words at the link.

Noa's relative, Adar Gvili, wrote the song "Closed Eyes" in her memory. Lynn Zuckert composed and sang the song. Listen to the song at the link.

Below are the lyrics:

Eyes of valor and missing home
Eyes that protect me
Big eyes, good eyes
eyes of love

Father's eyes, mother's eyes
Eyes of dreams and joy
Grandma's and Grandpa's eyes
my eyes

Your eyes closed and our hearts stopped
How can we go on when you are no longer here?
Your eyes were closed, and our hearts went still
Your dreams are lost

The story of your short life is reflected in your eyes
Looking to the future but burned in the past
Eyes of crying eyes of happiness
eyes closed

Your eyes were closed, and our hearts went still
How can we go on when you are no longer here?
Your eyes were closed, and our hearts went still
lost your dreams (what about our dreams)

Your eyes were closed, and our hearts went still
How can we go on when you are no longer here?
Your eyes were closed, and our hearts went still
Your dreams are lost and ours too


The words of Ayala Almasi, Noa's former teacher, mentioned above, appear in the link.


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Staff sergeant Noa Price

Fell in battle on October 7, 2023 ..


סיפור חייו של כל אחד מהנופלים, תמצית מאבקה של מדינת ישראל לחיים, עצמאות ולביטחון אישי ולאומי

Staff sergeant Noa Price

20 years old in her fall

Born on July 18, 2003

Fell in battle on October 7, 2023 ..