Israel’s Heroines
לוגו פורום דבורה
סמל רותם קוץ ז"ל

Sergeant Rotem Kutz

18.5 years old in her fall
Born on November 27, 2004
Fell in battle on October 7, 2023
Recruit squad leader, ICT Corps
Gan Yavne Civil Cemetery
Her family

Daughter of the late Livnat and Aviv
Sister of the late Yonatan (16 years old) and Yiftach (14 years old)
Polet and Yehuda Levy, parents of the late Livnat, Rotem's mother.
Tamar and Benny Kutz, parents of the late Aviv, Rotem's father



Her personal story

Members of Rotem's extended family wrote about her and her family members who were murdered in the terrorist attack:

"Rotem was born in Kaplan Hospital in Rehovot on November 27, 2004 and was raised in Kibbutz Kfar Aza. It was a family full of laughter, hope, action, crafts and community spirit - each one in his own world brought light to the fabric of family and community life which created a quality life center and unforgettable love for the community of Kfar Aza and the surrounding settlements.

Despite the routine rocket fire and the incessant attacks on Kibbutz Kfar Aza, the late Kutz family remained faithful to hope and peace, until the morning of Saturday, October 7, when the five members of the family woke up to the inferno of the murderous attack by Hamas terrorists. The atrocity and murder reached the Kutz family home and claimed the lives of the five family members who were found cuddled together in the bomb shelter bed inside the house they built just four years ago in the kibbutz where Aviv grew up. In their last embrace, the family members command us to tell the story of their lives and continue their legacy.

Aviv, a man of spirit and work, a family man and a warm, loving and caring father, a soul that walked among humanity and wanted to do good in the world. Aviv worked as the vice president of the Semiconductor division at AVIV company, while in his spare time he dabbled in arts and crafts. He welded and created spectacular sculptures, and every year he initiated and established the annual kiting event in Kibbutz Kfar Aza to which he gathered the entire community for one special day where kites flew into the sky as a sign of hope and peace. The event was supposed to take place on Saturday, Simchat Torah, October 7, 2023. Aviv was also an excellent and very talented photographer and did a lot of photography over the years.

Livnat, Rotem's mother, worked until nine years ago at "Intel" as a graphic designer. Following Operation Tzuk Eitan, she decided to change her professional direction and realize her dream, to build a workshop for girls and boys that would allow them to learn sewing, embroidery, pottery and carpentry skills. She called the house she built "Craftsman's House". Over the years it has become a "breathing space through working hands", in areas where the emergency routine accompanies the way of life. "Craftsmanship" became an anchor and a refuge, a place for self-expression for any person who desires it.

Rotem, the eldest child, served as a recruit's commander at training base 7 and took care of toddlers and children in the Kfar Aza education community with dedication and love. In her creative way, she learned to sew and used to sew dresses and swimwear in her spare time. She was also talented in baking and would make spectacular cakes for any family event. She dreamed of traveling all over the world and there was no destination or dream that prevented her from conquering it. She was a purposeful woman, always knew what she wanted, had a high aim, had a developed sense of humor and quick wit.

Yonatan, an outstanding basketball player in the youth team of Hapoel Tel Aviv, studied at the Green Village Boarding School in order to fulfill his dream and play professionally in the leading teams in Israel and the world. His character was one of Infinite sensitivity and rolling laughter, and his infinite joy flooded his surroundings.

Yiftach, the youngest, only started his career in Hapoel Tel Aviv's youth basketball team last September, and aspired to follow his brother's footsteps to the green village boarding school. He was a smart and shy boy with a constant smile on his face, creating in his humble way a joy of life among all those around him."

Her service in the security forces

Rotem enlisted in the IDF on March 27, 2023. She was marked as a potential recruit's squad leader and was assigned to a squad leader course in the "Magal" recruit training system at the Tzrifin base. The first weeks of the course were difficult for her and accompanied by concerns due to the distance from home and the demanding challenges of the course. She told that her friends helped her and made it easier for her. She even got to know new friends that it was not natural for her to connect with.

After completing her training, Rotem was placed in the "Training bases city" as a squad leader. some of the friends she made in the course were placed together with her to her joy. Rotem faced adjustment difficulties struggling the guidance of new recruits but was always true to herself and her interpersonal skills. She felt valuable and very quickly was marked to go to a command course and later to an officer's course. Later, she was asked to return and supervise the squad leaders' course. Rotem was made of the material strong, leading women were made of and at the same time was sensitive and accommodating. She aimed for the highest in her service and her commanders recognized it.

The circumstances of her fall

Rotem was murdered along with her family members. The five of them were found cuddled in bed in the home that became their grave in Kibbutz Kfar Aza. The five were buried together in the cemetery side by side.
Rotem's grandmother talked about their last hours. Her words in the link.

Her character and personality

Rotem was a smart, hardworking woman, full of purpose and independence. She loved to enjoy life, eat in prestigious restaurants, dress well, spend time with friends, and go on trips abroad to places she did not know.

Rotem was always determined to be the best in whatever she chose to do.

Her favorite things

Rotem loved to spend time with her family and friends. She loved to pamper them with her handmade pastries and cook for them just like a "Moroccan mother".
She also knew how to pamper herself by shopping and buying high-quality and luxurious things. At the same time, she loved to sew her own swimwear and dresses.
She danced ballet and dance for many years from her early childhood to her teenage years.
Rotem loved to study and excel in studies. She liked order.
Songs she liked: "Ray of sunshine" by Benaia Barabi, "Making a mess" by Osher Cohen, "The Queen of the Neighborhood" by Omer Adam, "Rona" by the Revivo project.

Her legacy and commemoration

Lieutenant Colonel Shlomi Kedem, commander of the ICT corps training base and one of Rotem's commanders, eulogized her: "As the commander of a recruit squad in the base, Rotem fulfilled her role with great responsibility and the ability to deal uncompromisingly with every challenge and task. Those who knew her say that they gained from her true friendship, uncompromising professionalism, steadfastness and above all her big smile that instills goodness and calm in all those around her. Rotem and her family were prematurely taken in a merciless slaughter, they were so united in their life and death. We all bow our heads and hug you and pledge to continue spreading the light of Rotem."
ynet article 

Mika, a childhood friend from Kibbutz Kfar Aza and a member of the Harttzit group, told about her: "Rotem was a very loyal friend to her close friends, always protected them and was there to listen and give advice and tell the truth even if it wasn't always the most pleasant to hear. She was a funny, light, fun and easy going friend. It was always fun to talk to her and be in her company."

Uri, Rotem's friend from the squad leaders' course, told about her: "Rotem was a sociable woman, smiling, laughing a lot, she loved army life, ranges. Beyond that, she was loved by the commanders, the soldiers, very well known in the company itself and many people loved her."

Rotem's extended family decided to celebrate her birthday at the end of November by volunteering at the Kaplan Medical Center where she was born. The inspiration for this volunteering was the request of Livnat, Rotem's mother, before she was murdered, to volunteer around the country instead of buying her gifts for her birthday. The family handed out decorated cupcakes to the new mothers. Rotem's aunt, Adi Levy-Selma, told mako's health magazine: "One of the things Rotem loved to do the most was to bake... She used to bake stunning cakes with great passion. There are quite a few people who celebrate birthdays and volunteer in the spirit of Livnat's wish. We were also looking for a place to volunteer, and we thought of Kaplan, where all the children of the Kutz family were born. The hospital staff organized a surprise for the family members and brought them together with the retired midwife Nina Hirsch, who gave birth to Rotem 19 years ago. The hospital hoped that this gesture would be give the family somewhat of a closure and some comfort. Rotem's friends from Kfar Aza also came to the meeting. They went through the maternity rooms and suggested that the midwives choose the name Rotem for the babies.

Rotem's cousin Aviv eulogized her: "Rotem, you were more than a cousin, you were my second sister, my soul, someone I was always happy in her company. I feel empty, empty of emotions, trying to remember you, your voice, the rolling laugh, who you were and what you would do in my place. Trying to remember our experiences together and how much we made everyone laugh. And how every time we entered a new place they would know, it was Rotem and Aviv. How much I would pay for one more last moment with you. Or even a recording or a video of you laughing with me about things that only we would understand. Watch over us from above, good night my Rotem."
The youth department of "Hapoel Osishkin Tel Aviv" held a ceremony on December 24, 2023, in memory of the academy players, Yiftach and Yonatan Kutz, Rotem's brother and in memory of the murdered family. The ceremony was held before a game of the senior team with the participation of friends, family members and a group of first grade boys that will henceforth be called "Hapoel Kotz 1911". At the ceremony, Sharon Kotz, Yiftach and Yonatan's aunt, spoke. The chairman of the club, Rami Cohen, and the president of the club, Avi Seidenberg, gave the family the new shirt of Hapoel "Kotz" Tel Aviv. Watch the full ceremony at the following link.

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סמל רותם קוץ ז"ל

Sergeant Rotem Kutz

Fell in battle on October 7, 2023


סיפור חייו של כל אחד מהנופלים, תמצית מאבקה של מדינת ישראל לחיים, עצמאות ולביטחון אישי ולאומי

סמל רותם קוץ ז"ל

Sergeant Rotem Kutz

18.5 years old in her fall

Born on November 27, 2004

Fell in battle on October 7, 2023